Chianti Countryside - Clearing Storm

John Santoro Photography

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Situated in the center of Tuscany, between the Renaissance cities of Florence and Siena, are the rolling hills of the Chianti region. First Etruscan and then Roman,with rich forests, water and game is more of a highland than mountainous area.  Prior to the middle ages the region was difficult to reach, preserving it from ruinous barbarian invasions after the decline of the Roman Empire.

From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, it was a continuous battle field for the fights between Siena and Florence. Castles and fortresses that lie on top of many hills overlooking the countryside bear testimony to this furious and tormented past.

Castles, towns and villages, farms, parish churches, Renaissance villas, often covered by woods and valleys, built in stone standing out as natural elements of the landscape: these are the treasures that can be discovered by the more curious visitor in Chianti.

When the medieval fights ended, some valleys were cleared and cultivated: chestnut woods and oaks, as well as olive groves and vineyards then started to take over. All of these specific cultivations continue to contribute to enrich the beautiful Chianti region today.

Collections: A Passage Through Italy

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